A Tom and Bob Production

A Tom and Bob Production - All rights reserved

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Big Night 2004 - Kuckhahn's

Here is one of the first menus...

but at this point there had already been several memorable cooking adventures, most often they involved Tom and Bob attempting to make some hopelessly complicated meal, like Beef Wellington or roasting an entire leg of lamb.  By the time the meal was ready, the patiently suffering wives were usually asleep on the couch, driven partly by this crew (in addition to these three, two more little ones are trying to sleep somewhere)

And yet, often obliviously, the cooking must go on.

A memorable feature of this meal was the "Fruit Soup Riot" that featured a stunning dessert wine combined with a puree of roasted summer fruits and a hint of Asian flavors with the addition of hoisin sauce.

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